

CSPP deals with consultation and psychotherapy of individuals, couples and families.

The orientation of the therapeutic équipe is of systemic-relational kind. The therapeutic plan is developed on the basis of this model, as well as the équipe job, that is organized according to the above mentioned model, but also constantly coordinated and integrated in its different stages thanks to an incessant collaboration among the different professionals.

The systemic-relational orientation measures the psycho-emotional performance of the individual, beginning by focusing the attention on the relational environment  in which the person was born and grew up, as the environment itself is considered an organizer of his or her intrapsychic performance. Another essential aspect is the system of significant relationships in which the individual is included, as relationships are considered an important requisite both of support and personal or domestic change. The personality performance is therefore considered as the result of the significant relationships that the person had during his or her life and the problems are seen as the result of relational experiences, not as features inherent to the individual.

The systemic-relational approach can be useful with people that think to have difficulties in specific relationships (couple, parents, working areas etc.). It can be particularly efficient when dealing with problems connected to childhood and/or adolescence. The psychotherapeutic job is therefore not purely focused on taking care of the symptom, but on looking after the relational situations that generated it.

In the systemic approach, the symptom is not considered the expression of individual problems, but the dysfunction of the entire relational system that expresses itself through the pain of a single person that is particularly sensitive or delicate.

The therapeutic intervention is based on a detailed knowledge of the personal, relational and domestic history of the person, and aims to find out the reasons of the distress and to start personal and relational changing processes, using the personal, relational and domestic resources that the person owns.

The different problems are faced together with the person that has them, in order to help him or her to understand the psychological origins of his or her suffering, looking at his or her personal and domestic history.

The job of the Centre of Person Study and Psychotherapy is developed through four essential steps:

  • welcome interview, useful to collect all distress elements that the person or couple or family is suffering;
  • structuring of the therapeutic plan, featuring the objectives, the working method and the timing;
  • carrying out of the therapeutic work, with constant supervision of the équipe;
  • end of the therapeutic work and periodical follow up until the full discharge.

Different pains and problems that are faced:

  • Couple problems
  • Distress of anxiety and panic attack
  • Depression
  • Post trauma stress disaese
  • Adoption problems
  • Stress
  • Childhood and adolescence problems
  • Sexual and gender-based pains
  • Psychosomatic pains
  • Food pains
  • Aging pains
  • Physical and emotional pains, bereavement suffering
  • Self-esteem

Therapeutic activities

The CSPP (Centre of Person Study and Psychotherapy) target is made by those individuals who need to understand and solve their distress. After the consulting stage, the professionals of the centre value which is the most appropriate therapy:

Individual therapy

It is for those people who feel they need to be guided in the comprehension and solution course of their distress.

Couple therapy

It is useful when there are conflict situations and relationship disease, excluding those cases where there are also problems – symptoms –  involving children (as in those cases it would be better the family therapy).

Family therapy

The family is the main living reference point in the emotional experience of a person and, in case of psychic distress, it’s the first context in which the symptoms get a specific function.

EMDR therapy

The EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a therapeutic approach used for the treatment of trauma and problems connected with stress, above all connected with trauma stress of PTSD (Post Trauma Stress Disease).

Conceptually the EMDR is based on the AIP model  (Adaptive Information Processing) of Francine Shapiro, that postulates three principles:

  1. There is a natural system of information processing that allows the human being to reorganize his or her answers to disturbing events, moving from a condition of disfunctional imbalance to one of adaptive resolution.
  2. A traumatic event or a condition of constant stress during a growth period can destroy this natural system of information processing.
  3. The combination between the elements of the EMDR standard protocol and the bilateral stimulation re-establishes the balance in the system causing a recovery of the information processing that takes to the normal adaptive resolution.

In the EMDR perspective the diseases that encourage the patients to ask for a psychotherapy are caused by informations stored in the memory (memories) in a disfunctional way.

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